Coalition is designed to change the perception of HOAs.
are commonly known as the "nazis" that force people to do things they don't want
to on their own property. Enforcing the community rules is an unfortunate task
of the HOA and often the focus and certainly the perception of homeowners.
HOA does so much more for the community that many people don't recognize. The
Coalition is an outward reaching effort to demonstrate the benefits living in a
Renaissance managed HOA.
Coalition is a group of Renaissance communities working together to enhance
their individual purchasing power by buying as a group to obtain volume
discounts for the HOA.
working together, the Coalition discovered we can extend the benefits of the
purchasing power to individual homeowners. The HOA may enforce the rules, but
through the coalition we are putting tools in homeowners hands to help them.
the member discount card, homeowners can receive discounts on important products
and services such as paint and painting supplies and tree trimming.
If you
don't have a card and you live in a Renaissance community you may obtain your
card free by contacting Renaissance.